Brief-Form Post #22: Special Mid-September Nature Treats along Bradford Creek Greenway!


I am pleased to offer the 22nd of my GBH Brief Form Posts (Less than three minutes to read!). I tend to get a bit long-winded with my routine Posts. I don’t want my enthusiasm for thoroughness and detail to discourage readers. So I will publish these brief Posts regularly.

Tracking steady progress from my June 19, 2023, triple bypass surgery. I biked September 17, 2023, along the Bradford Creek Greenway in Madison, Alabama, signaling an approach to full recovery. However, on October 4, just two weeks later, I experienced another surgery, bilateral inguinal hernia repair. I’m drafting these words on October 23, uncertain when I’ll get back on the bike.

Nature’s healing power, including seeing this brilliant cardinal flower, remains steady and powerful!


The same holds true of these fencerow bearded beggarticks.


I recorded this 32-second fencerow video:


I never tire of biking past this magnificent trailside oak, and often resting on the bench under its north side.


A hundred yads north of the oak, a green heron posed long enough for me to capture a couple of still photos and record a 22-second video before I spooked it with my attempted narrative!




I accept the challenge of distilling these Brief-Form Posts to a single distinct reflection, a task far more elusive than assembling a dozen pithy statements. Sometimes, Today, I borrow a distinct reflection from John Muir, one of the truly great minds of conservation and environmental antiquity:

  • Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul. 


NOTE: I place 3-5 short videos (15-seconds to three minutes) on my Steve Jones Great Blue Heron YouTube channel weekly. All relate to Nature-Inspired Life and Living. I encourage you to SUBSCRIBE! It’s FREE. Having more subscribers helps me spread my message of Informed and Responsible Earth Stewardship…locally and globally!